New haircut and hair journey

Feb 2, 2018Style10 comments

I got baaaangs! In my curly wild hair… I insist that our couple is fine and that women do not cut their hair only after breakups… It does help though!

I was a bit tired of having the same look, and the front part of my hair starts being damaged, so I thought I’d give it a rest by cutting it off and let it breathe for a while.

This reminds me of my tumultuous hair journey… A succession of bored moments, turned into haircut impulsions, turned into catastrophes. So for this particular moment I took my sweet time, to see if the urge would pass and make sure it’s what I want and not an impulse.

Older and wiser!

Prepare to see raw, non edited low quality phone pictures to illustrate the story and my points…

Those are just the ones I remember. Clearly, they were plenty before them, mostly hair colours that I will omit.

History time

It’s already a struggle to be taken seriously as a woman, and as a 21years old, I didn’t want to add beachy curly hair to the equation

The first catastrophe that I remember, was back in the beginning of my career. It’s already a struggle to be taken seriously as a woman, and as a 21years old woman, I didn’t want to add beachy curly hair to the equation. Especially that I had meetings outside and I wanted to look sharp and professional. Nobody ever told me anything about it, go figure where I fetched this but I guess it’s the common belief led by years of media white washing.

I talked about it to my hairdresser and insisted that I didn’t want a harsh hair straightener, nor regular blow outs. I wanted something natural, but less beachy. It was before the keratin and the brazilian era so he suggested the Xtenso by L’oréal. Xtenso was labeled a softening cream and sounded like exactly what I needed. The first three times; I was very happy with the result. My hair was softer and easier to manage with still some beautiful waves and movement. Pictures below.

Fake romantic


My troubles began when my hairdresser left and I had to go to another salon for the same procedure…I am not bashing the product at all, I am actually one of their most satisfied customers. But, that salon must’ve used a fake or an obsolete product because my hair was completely ruined.  Literally looking like straw!! I tried to cut it into a very short bob, but it still looked like I had a bird nest on my head. So I cut it shorter, still damaged, than I cut it off completely!

Pictures of my damaged hair below, trying to cover it with beanies….

Clearly not happy with my hair!

Cut shorter, but still looked damaged!

Short hair era

That was not the first time I got short hair, I already had a snap in high school and I was honestly digging the looks. I love short hair, pixies and all that jazz. They are extremely sexy, stylish and let’s be honest low maintenance. I ended up cultivating that look for years instead of it being a transition to grow back healthy hair. By the way, my husband is still hoping that I would go short again 😀 Not sure if it’s for the looks or because there’s hair everywhere in the apartment XD

Lisbon summer 2014

Dakar solo travel summer 2012

Back then when bathroom selfies were a thing!

Istanbul summer 2012

Dakar summer 2012


My troubles came back when I wanted to grow it long. The transition was awful! I have thick curly hair, so I think it was double trouble for me. And I was not known for my patience. Meanwhile, to look a little bit more groomed for work I decided to die it in a light colour. I was thinking, a Beyonce/Jlo ash blonde because they happen to have my skintone to prove my point…. because for local hairdressers, blonde was only for white skins. I asked for the most expert/ expensive hair color specialist. To be fair they had a challenger, because my hair was carrying tons of mahogany colour. And it’s the most difficult colour to bleach. So after two or three bleaches and the coloration… I was ginger, not ashy sexy blonde but GINGER! I still find it cool to be honest, even if most of people didn’t agree with me. The good news is that my hair was not damaged, so the salon still did a good job in a way…. for a pricey bill. The trick with lighter colours is that I had to dye the roots monthly at least.

Meanwhile, I had to trim the hair monthly. So it took a long time to grow into a decent bob.

Left it on the wild side on vacation… and loved it!

Bangkok summer 2015

Cheated my way at work wearing oversized Chloe sunglasses on my head all the time

I wish it could stay wet all the day, it was more manageable!

Sleek look

With tons of styling cream for conferences and public events 😀

Present tense

Since then, I stopped dying my hair completely. Even if I have a lock of grey hair in the front. This was due to a stress related disease that made me lose locks of my hair and grew back grey (thank you corporate years). I adopted a low-poo routine, with natural based products and I’ve never been happier with my hair. Especially now that I can wear it however (the heck) I want. Having a healthy hair is more important that covering ONE lock of grey hair.

I hope my story and my shameful pictures will inspire you to leave your hair alone and be gentle with it 🙂

I feel like we need a brow story as well… They were awfully thin!

xo xo Dalal
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    • JustDalal

      Haha thank you so much! I kind of miss short hair though ?

  1. Raouaa

    Wooow what a journey !!
    I would like to know which products do you use now on your hair !
    Have a good day <3

    • JustDalal

      haha right?

      Right now I use an argan based shampoo and conditioner once a week after a coconut oil mask. The brand Ossoul, but you can use whatever argan based, silicon free, paraben free brand you find. After shampoo I use shea butter to moisturize, while the hair is still wet and the glycerin cream to style it. (I know it’s not a hair product but it works for me). I let the hair air dry naturally, blowdryers are a catastrophe for curly hair. The next morning if I don’t wet my hair, I spray a mix of water and conditioner to reshape the curls and style with the glycerin cream once again. I hope it’s helpful <3

  2. Karima

    Love the hair flashback ? I was around for some of those looks but I do prefer the “Lisboa style” short hair ?

    • JustDalal

      haha yes your were!!! I think it’s my favourite one of the short version too. Bisouuuus

  3. Oummey

    Enjoyed reading the story. Reminded me of my own but I didn’t go as short as u did and I have zero experience with hair dies but yeah I feel the struggle when it comes to voluminous curly hair hehe

    • JustDalal

      Thank you dear, it wasn’t much of a struggle I just felt the pressure of having a boring hair in a professional environment 😀

  4. roxy

    Wow you’ve had so many different hair styles! I love it! In my 20s I played around with my hair a lot but I’ll be honest, my fiance loves mine long so I pretty much keep it that way because I love it long too. Your new haircut is beautiful and so fun up or down!!

    • JustDalal

      Thank you Roxy, as long as the hair is not damaged, all hairstyles and hair types are beautiful <3

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