Feb 28, 2018 | Europe, Travel
This article is part of our Spain roadtrip: here. I love getting back to a city that I’ve already visited. Instead of rushing into sightseeing and discovering, I can take time to do the things that I really love and wander slowly. especially in Europe, where...
Dec 29, 2017 | Europe, Travel
I didn’t want to clutter the “Seville guide” article, so I am sharing additional pictures of Metropol parasol in this dedicated article. Traveling is definitely a subjective experience, if I listened to trip advisor reviews, I would’ve skip...
Dec 25, 2017 | Europe, Travel
Madrid is a top shopping destination and the perfect place to find a cool second-hand outfit, antique books, vintage home furnishings or retro toys. Thrifting and getting inspired in the coolest vintage stores is my favourite thing to do in Madrid, especially around...