Jan 10, 2018 | Food & drinks, Life
Warning: Once you’ll try home made granola you won’t be able to eat store bought granola anymore!! You’ve been warned, now let’s proceed… I am always hesitant in sharing recipes in here even if you ask for them a lot on Instagram stories....
Dec 16, 2017 | Journal, Life
Quote You are exactly where you need to be Sometimes I need to remind my self of what I’m preaching. While I always manage to stay positive and make the best out of any situation, I struggle with impatience. And impatience leads to frustration which is absolutely...
Aug 5, 2017 | Food & drinks, Life
I am posting this on a Saturday to inspire you for your Sunday brunch. Add a jug of freshly pressed orange juice, a pot of mint tea, a magazine and you have a perfect Sunday morning. I can’t believe I forgot about this popular recipe! Thanks to the...
May 8, 2017 | Food & drinks, Life
Hello lovelies, Today I am in a mood for a salad. For those like me who love beetroot this is an easy, healthy and filling recipe for a lazy summer lunch. This also makes a perfect office lunch, that you don’t need to heat. Beetroot is so good for you, full of...