Aug 3, 2018 | Journal, Travel
I’m back! Reflecting on four months of travel and 10 days of jetlag. To be honest I’m still confused and not aligned with my emotions. Those four months were intense, a dream coming true, a leap out of the comfort zone positive in so many ways, but in the...
May 26, 2018 | America, Travel
I was writing my top things to do in Mexico city and figured out that I have too much to say about Frida Kahlo to not dedicate a full post about the museum. So here is everything you need to know before you visit the famous museum and house of Frida Kahlo. You imagine...
May 11, 2018 | America, Travel
As I told you on Instagram, we didn’t plan to do a lot of touristic activities in Mexico city. We wanted to live it as a city with it’s urban lifestyle. We made an exception for the Frida Kahlo museum and Teoticahuan pyramids. You can’t have an over...
Apr 14, 2018 | America, Travel
Hello from Mexico city! We just got back from Havana, where we had no wifi for a week. I realise how fast-paced our wifi lives are! So many things happened online while I was away. It was really refreshing to see people living their lives without constantly looking on...